This is me is one of the best training routines that I use very effective and Jamie fill me doing it would do for the first time. I k...
This is me is one of the best training routines that I use very effective and Jamie fill me doing it would do for the first time.
I know you won't believe that. But if you are still you know Dune is Keller's dog and I've never trained him until we filmed it.
I said to Kelly I want to teach distance Kaman's, used to and said yes but don't be that Jamie and I went out the first time we talked Dune distance Kaman's I wanted Dune for number reasons is American bulldog so he looks impressive, but also it's easy on docs like that.
Very easy to teach two bulldog sentences to see Ross's big slow-moving dogs.
Very easy to use that technique. What other techniques for teaching distance Kaman's then we can use the state to stay method again ideal for big Lanka breeds, not the quick active braids do not want to call his Mallon law toys into areas but great with like boxes of lab; some pics and movies.
Nikita's malamutes and Huskies and things like that. You're awesome to sit down one yacht from Robison came in the city, and even a state down.
Well the tenancy is goblins come towards you as you go down you're ready to move like this in your hand will come down exactly whether noticeably if they went down that they crept towards you really shuffling get back I am standing here with the dog down is not to creep toward you because he's down and he's a big dog.
Okay, so we say Rosa said long takes a lot of energy and you get them up.
If it doesn't work. You have to try from here. Once you begin to do it for me.
Sit down to sit down get back to Jan's and that's it making do three outside is a cost €10.20 really easy can't do this if the dog creeps.
So what if the dog creeps would do we put them on the picnic bench so we do the training you creep you drop off okay at home you can serve your border collie.
I would use this technique but I would do it with the dog in a crate the double leash tied to a tree behind a chain-link fence, you must not let the dog treat.
I actually like things like tables on the crate on the table because I like position changes to be done on the dog front legs don't move, they never move south down.
They go back and they draw that stand tall so the position of the poles never moves the tool listener creeping otherwise you get this set and down and stand before you not dump across the room so I just like the dog or sit down, sit, stand down, sit down, stand good and is right in the same place case.
If you see the creeping dog in a crate on the crate on the table behind a chain-link fence third technique will be kind of a shaping technique and then it's kinda like what I did with the state stay but it's it's the best place to is almost as dogs on the landing and you stand one stand down so you got a natural normal creep drop the edge of the step and you right here with this close, sit down, the timing right.
Verbal Kaman, then hand signal why verbal Kaman is the difficult one must come the first-hand signal is easy.
The verbal command is essential because of the dog's back is turned.
Can't see your face and you can't see any signal you must make sure the dog understands verbal Kaman when his back is turned your back is turned.
Okay, you have a lot of fun doing that. So you then go down to status.
This distance away from said that your three steps away. This should be the distance when you start with the state.
The down you know six data down stay with the Rossi so you three staff and 4005 step before you know your status and your dog is doing like a 3 to 4-yard distance change you want to make three positions sit down and stand just what was sit down double never learn.
I just have to think he knows what's coming next in the position is in the moment your allowing adult anticipate that's very dangerous, and training.
Three. Kaman's the dog can't anticipate.
Okay, so the distance Kaman Jude alternate leaves three getting farther and farther away, then you just take a quantum leap to do the poppy technique in the play session periodically.
You say set and move up the dog really quickly using his dog come to signal okay so this whole nonrecourse thing is just disappeared.
So the two problems here which are bigots for owners pulling on the leash not coming.
When cold. To me, they aren't the problem.
Pulling on the leash. Is he doesn't want to work next year and the not coming?
When cold is I wouldn't use that compound anyway.
I would use a distance set an emergency set an emergency down okay so let's now and remember quantification sold lots of arguments you know I find there are many, many emotional arguments going on in dog training.
When I solicit back on the sidelines look at it. My thing.
This is not an argument about dog training it should and emotive disagreements because neither person is trying the dog to think about it you know some trainer saying all that technique is inhumane.
All this person say all you shouldn't keep driving adult retreats. Let's set the ground rules the criterion is when you say set your dog will set at a distance off leash when distracted without the continued need of any training aid whatsoever, including food, leashes, callers, hoaxes, promises, electricity flickers, whatever, at a 95% reliability.
The response reliability is calculated as the number of responses divided by the number of Kaman's times 100 yellow 95% reliable dog.
Have a damn good dog giving the idea.
The highest trained dogs in the world don't go about 97% is impossible to matter what you doing those would be explosive stocks where these people really tested reliability so you want to quantify.
Reliability is really important. So then you can say to someone, show me what we find is they haven't trained adult process still clicking away.
Once you train the dog. Now we can have a discussion about time and trials to criterion, which are the cricket techniques we can't do that to we both show we train the dog to criterion so many reasons for long-term confinement.
When the owners away from home number one. I would say to prevent mistakes around the house a disaster just a disaster.
The peas in the wrong place. Once tenant mistakes coming number two to maximize also shaping order shape adult P in his toilet order shape dog to promptly, that you try Holick okay so what's the reasons for short-term confinement when the owners pretty obvious one.
Prevent mistakes around the house when the owners that were not paying attention to order shape the dog chew his chew toy because it's the only thing that is in that stuff with food. That's how he eats dinner anyway.
Number three the one that very few trainers So we can predict when Poppy wants to eliminate so we can show him the right place and reward them for using it.
That's very important for us and we think of the other advice that's out there.
What's your dog. Feed him regular meals and then take them out.
The gastric color reflex takes about 30 minutes to work. So say the owner is feeding regular meals.
They go to sit and watch the dump 30 minutes waiting for intention signals he wants to go.
No, I've only ever met one dog in my life that have immediate gastric Holick reflex and Susan, I see nothing like it.
Many another dog 45 years and dogs.
She eats dinner as she takes the loss go.
She turns to run down the garden go poop. I did start input and output.
That's what is right, Philip. The gastric systemic event empty out down this week in a blockage to make room for most dogs.
It's like now they poop about 30 minutes after eating them or work pay attention to your dog that won't work.
Be consistent. That won't work. Keep the dog in the crate every hour on the assay. Let's go P took that will work so you know is going to go see contained in the right place, and most importantly give him the liver treats okay.
That's the first two questions are predictable problems that pop is an adolescent dog will develop if the owner does not take preventative measures slips them off.
Sorry house soiling destructive chewing excessive barking home alone problems digging couple aphasia. The couple aphasia home, pick it up.
A logical turn 75's okay becoming standoffish, shy, fearful, reactive, aggressive towards people and other dogs when the 5 to 8 months old. We know this can happen how long we can stand back and do nothing.
Men are surprised when eight months. The dog becomes fearful reactive, you know, as I say it's the great insanity in dogs that we let this happen so we listed those problems.
Next question as I do with everything listed about problems in rank order in terms of the
importance of that urgency well you can read all about this in that before you get your copy off to get a copy of the two free books you can download the most urgent his behavior problems long-term short-term confinement set a precedent from the beginning good habits in this household. You don't want behavior problems, take all the kill dogs is what puts dogs in shelters.
The most important bike addition without a doubt, teaching bike addition doesn't mean don't bite means by gently so when we have a fight so she's the deal with when a dog bite someone so he's a dude with no damages done what you do what you like Chris.
No damages were done and I would give you suggestions speeded up to talk isn't dangerous to what you wondering about is have a flurry of activity occasionally child won't do that again.
His parents should've been training him. You do not go and grab dogs but didn't.
Well, the doctor stated I gonna rock climbing and I would say that save children's lives that Rottweiler has warned the child born the child warned the child room.
The child won't stop and stop what the child still grabbing it's gone still dropping its ear sticking pencils up its nose.
You know the parents are doing nothing, eventually, the body says right cross in progress is lost on the child does. That means they won't do it to another dog either, which may not have been as tolerant as the body may not have had such good but not cold lately.
My favorite cases the kid in the face and say what's adult glossy already. I'm thinking no damage done sleep.
It's almost breed specific management child wet spot going down here in a and so I say and do we go to the hospital. No answer. Let me see if child look is not even a red mark, no skin contact.
This dog could literally bite the kid's face-off is just saying stop it. By addition, it's so important.
The number one most important quality next socialization with people less that get not get caught up in this whole socialization thing and start socializing bill to people with the whole dog excuse not so second-rate dogs get on with the dogs.
Nice if you don't personally probably will the for most people it's so unnecessary.
The dog won't leave the house and you want the double leash and wanted to stop the dog-friendly is going to be reactive, but you don't can't live in this world and this community.
If it's not friendly to people socialization with people must be done.
It ain't being down.
We are screwing. We are royally screwing Fiona's shafted before this… Has two poles in the shelter at eight weeks in a is disgusting that we do have to change in okay so the questions are what you think about one is what you do with two miniature schnauzers to blocking down the bottom the garden at 3 AM.
Next question what you do with the dogs eating through the basement walls the answer both questions is the same house train them to try to train them in the could be inside.
See the question loss is what you are done doing in the basement.
Why did you get a dog offer companionship and protection?
Is he keeping the water heater company or do you have a very expensive for the heater?
It's new and he's protecting it.
See, so why should dog in the basement why she-dog in the God because people are often stopping this field would go through all let's put the trap along the walls, the basement of let's put in your chicken why when electrified all this stuff that's not the problem similarly said about pulling on leashes, not the problem the dog doesn't want to be here okay proximity tells you everything wise the dog in the garden.
He should be in the house and so these are the problems you are addressing this the easy way to solve the problem to the last one up and this is a question I ask everybody even try to get to wise up from talking to light your directors of Humane Society is talking to veterinarians.
I say I it's the mean number one biggest pet killer in the world County litter box, training, Right fiancé down in 50 words or less and little words that a child of five could understand that about problems in cats represent 51.2% of Behavior problems or 25.4% of pet behavior problems even though you don't train us you going to homes.
They have cats to you want to save animals lives is knowing how to litter box training Often start lectures like this and a lot of veterinarians assume law the shelter directors alike will most common problem out there.
How do you do it? Download the two books before you get your copy off to get your copy you cross out the word puppy and you write in When you're not home.
You can find the Long-term confinement area that has toys and a toilet in it should as far away from that is possible when you are home you crate train the Why to every out on the take it up to the long-term confinement area.
Let it out and praise it and give it to relive the treatment uses its toilet trained cat. I thank you for coming. Drive carefully. See you
thank you goodbye
I know you won't believe that. But if you are still you know Dune is Keller's dog and I've never trained him until we filmed it.
I said to Kelly I want to teach distance Kaman's, used to and said yes but don't be that Jamie and I went out the first time we talked Dune distance Kaman's I wanted Dune for number reasons is American bulldog so he looks impressive, but also it's easy on docs like that.
Very easy to teach two bulldog sentences to see Ross's big slow-moving dogs.
Very easy to use that technique. What other techniques for teaching distance Kaman's then we can use the state to stay method again ideal for big Lanka breeds, not the quick active braids do not want to call his Mallon law toys into areas but great with like boxes of lab; some pics and movies.
Nikita's malamutes and Huskies and things like that. You're awesome to sit down one yacht from Robison came in the city, and even a state down.
Well the tenancy is goblins come towards you as you go down you're ready to move like this in your hand will come down exactly whether noticeably if they went down that they crept towards you really shuffling get back I am standing here with the dog down is not to creep toward you because he's down and he's a big dog.
Okay, so we say Rosa said long takes a lot of energy and you get them up.
If it doesn't work. You have to try from here. Once you begin to do it for me.
Sit down to sit down get back to Jan's and that's it making do three outside is a cost €10.20 really easy can't do this if the dog creeps.
So what if the dog creeps would do we put them on the picnic bench so we do the training you creep you drop off okay at home you can serve your border collie.
I would use this technique but I would do it with the dog in a crate the double leash tied to a tree behind a chain-link fence, you must not let the dog treat.
I actually like things like tables on the crate on the table because I like position changes to be done on the dog front legs don't move, they never move south down.
They go back and they draw that stand tall so the position of the poles never moves the tool listener creeping otherwise you get this set and down and stand before you not dump across the room so I just like the dog or sit down, sit, stand down, sit down, stand good and is right in the same place case.
If you see the creeping dog in a crate on the crate on the table behind a chain-link fence third technique will be kind of a shaping technique and then it's kinda like what I did with the state stay but it's it's the best place to is almost as dogs on the landing and you stand one stand down so you got a natural normal creep drop the edge of the step and you right here with this close, sit down, the timing right.
Verbal Kaman, then hand signal why verbal Kaman is the difficult one must come the first-hand signal is easy.
The verbal command is essential because of the dog's back is turned.
Can't see your face and you can't see any signal you must make sure the dog understands verbal Kaman when his back is turned your back is turned.
Okay, you have a lot of fun doing that. So you then go down to status.
This distance away from said that your three steps away. This should be the distance when you start with the state.
The down you know six data down stay with the Rossi so you three staff and 4005 step before you know your status and your dog is doing like a 3 to 4-yard distance change you want to make three positions sit down and stand just what was sit down double never learn.
I just have to think he knows what's coming next in the position is in the moment your allowing adult anticipate that's very dangerous, and training.
Three. Kaman's the dog can't anticipate.
Okay, so the distance Kaman Jude alternate leaves three getting farther and farther away, then you just take a quantum leap to do the poppy technique in the play session periodically.
You say set and move up the dog really quickly using his dog come to signal okay so this whole nonrecourse thing is just disappeared.
So the two problems here which are bigots for owners pulling on the leash not coming.
When cold. To me, they aren't the problem.
Pulling on the leash. Is he doesn't want to work next year and the not coming?
When cold is I wouldn't use that compound anyway.
I would use a distance set an emergency set an emergency down okay so let's now and remember quantification sold lots of arguments you know I find there are many, many emotional arguments going on in dog training.
When I solicit back on the sidelines look at it. My thing.
This is not an argument about dog training it should and emotive disagreements because neither person is trying the dog to think about it you know some trainer saying all that technique is inhumane.
All this person say all you shouldn't keep driving adult retreats. Let's set the ground rules the criterion is when you say set your dog will set at a distance off leash when distracted without the continued need of any training aid whatsoever, including food, leashes, callers, hoaxes, promises, electricity flickers, whatever, at a 95% reliability.
The response reliability is calculated as the number of responses divided by the number of Kaman's times 100 yellow 95% reliable dog.
Have a damn good dog giving the idea.
The highest trained dogs in the world don't go about 97% is impossible to matter what you doing those would be explosive stocks where these people really tested reliability so you want to quantify.
Reliability is really important. So then you can say to someone, show me what we find is they haven't trained adult process still clicking away.
Once you train the dog. Now we can have a discussion about time and trials to criterion, which are the cricket techniques we can't do that to we both show we train the dog to criterion so many reasons for long-term confinement.
When the owners away from home number one. I would say to prevent mistakes around the house a disaster just a disaster.
The peas in the wrong place. Once tenant mistakes coming number two to maximize also shaping order shape adult P in his toilet order shape dog to promptly, that you try Holick okay so what's the reasons for short-term confinement when the owners pretty obvious one.
Prevent mistakes around the house when the owners that were not paying attention to order shape the dog chew his chew toy because it's the only thing that is in that stuff with food. That's how he eats dinner anyway.
Number three the one that very few trainers So we can predict when Poppy wants to eliminate so we can show him the right place and reward them for using it.
That's very important for us and we think of the other advice that's out there.
What's your dog. Feed him regular meals and then take them out.
The gastric color reflex takes about 30 minutes to work. So say the owner is feeding regular meals.
They go to sit and watch the dump 30 minutes waiting for intention signals he wants to go.
No, I've only ever met one dog in my life that have immediate gastric Holick reflex and Susan, I see nothing like it.
Many another dog 45 years and dogs.
She eats dinner as she takes the loss go.
She turns to run down the garden go poop. I did start input and output.
That's what is right, Philip. The gastric systemic event empty out down this week in a blockage to make room for most dogs.
It's like now they poop about 30 minutes after eating them or work pay attention to your dog that won't work.
Be consistent. That won't work. Keep the dog in the crate every hour on the assay. Let's go P took that will work so you know is going to go see contained in the right place, and most importantly give him the liver treats okay.
That's the first two questions are predictable problems that pop is an adolescent dog will develop if the owner does not take preventative measures slips them off.
Sorry house soiling destructive chewing excessive barking home alone problems digging couple aphasia. The couple aphasia home, pick it up.
A logical turn 75's okay becoming standoffish, shy, fearful, reactive, aggressive towards people and other dogs when the 5 to 8 months old. We know this can happen how long we can stand back and do nothing.
Men are surprised when eight months. The dog becomes fearful reactive, you know, as I say it's the great insanity in dogs that we let this happen so we listed those problems.
Next question as I do with everything listed about problems in rank order in terms of the
importance of that urgency well you can read all about this in that before you get your copy off to get a copy of the two free books you can download the most urgent his behavior problems long-term short-term confinement set a precedent from the beginning good habits in this household. You don't want behavior problems, take all the kill dogs is what puts dogs in shelters.
The most important bike addition without a doubt, teaching bike addition doesn't mean don't bite means by gently so when we have a fight so she's the deal with when a dog bite someone so he's a dude with no damages done what you do what you like Chris.
No damages were done and I would give you suggestions speeded up to talk isn't dangerous to what you wondering about is have a flurry of activity occasionally child won't do that again.
His parents should've been training him. You do not go and grab dogs but didn't.
Well, the doctor stated I gonna rock climbing and I would say that save children's lives that Rottweiler has warned the child born the child warned the child room.
The child won't stop and stop what the child still grabbing it's gone still dropping its ear sticking pencils up its nose.
You know the parents are doing nothing, eventually, the body says right cross in progress is lost on the child does. That means they won't do it to another dog either, which may not have been as tolerant as the body may not have had such good but not cold lately.
My favorite cases the kid in the face and say what's adult glossy already. I'm thinking no damage done sleep.
It's almost breed specific management child wet spot going down here in a and so I say and do we go to the hospital. No answer. Let me see if child look is not even a red mark, no skin contact.
This dog could literally bite the kid's face-off is just saying stop it. By addition, it's so important.
The number one most important quality next socialization with people less that get not get caught up in this whole socialization thing and start socializing bill to people with the whole dog excuse not so second-rate dogs get on with the dogs.
Nice if you don't personally probably will the for most people it's so unnecessary.
The dog won't leave the house and you want the double leash and wanted to stop the dog-friendly is going to be reactive, but you don't can't live in this world and this community.
If it's not friendly to people socialization with people must be done.
It ain't being down.
We are screwing. We are royally screwing Fiona's shafted before this… Has two poles in the shelter at eight weeks in a is disgusting that we do have to change in okay so the questions are what you think about one is what you do with two miniature schnauzers to blocking down the bottom the garden at 3 AM.
Next question what you do with the dogs eating through the basement walls the answer both questions is the same house train them to try to train them in the could be inside.
See the question loss is what you are done doing in the basement.
Why did you get a dog offer companionship and protection?
Is he keeping the water heater company or do you have a very expensive for the heater?
It's new and he's protecting it.
See, so why should dog in the basement why she-dog in the God because people are often stopping this field would go through all let's put the trap along the walls, the basement of let's put in your chicken why when electrified all this stuff that's not the problem similarly said about pulling on leashes, not the problem the dog doesn't want to be here okay proximity tells you everything wise the dog in the garden.
He should be in the house and so these are the problems you are addressing this the easy way to solve the problem to the last one up and this is a question I ask everybody even try to get to wise up from talking to light your directors of Humane Society is talking to veterinarians.
I say I it's the mean number one biggest pet killer in the world County litter box, training, Right fiancé down in 50 words or less and little words that a child of five could understand that about problems in cats represent 51.2% of Behavior problems or 25.4% of pet behavior problems even though you don't train us you going to homes.
They have cats to you want to save animals lives is knowing how to litter box training Often start lectures like this and a lot of veterinarians assume law the shelter directors alike will most common problem out there.
How do you do it? Download the two books before you get your copy off to get your copy you cross out the word puppy and you write in When you're not home.
You can find the Long-term confinement area that has toys and a toilet in it should as far away from that is possible when you are home you crate train the Why to every out on the take it up to the long-term confinement area.
Let it out and praise it and give it to relive the treatment uses its toilet trained cat. I thank you for coming. Drive carefully. See you
thank you goodbye